Discovering Miyazaki Wagyu, A Journey from History to Plate

Meatguy Steakhouse by   Leo Bisma chef January 25, 2024

Discover the extraordinary world of Wagyu beef, renowned for its unmatched quality and flavor. Among its finest varieties is the A5 Miyazaki MBS 12, a symbol of culinary excellence.

Discovering Miyazaki Wagyu, A Journey from History to Plate

Exploring the Heritage of Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef originates from Japan, where it has been cultivated for centuries. It's known for its remarkable tenderness and distinctive marbling. The A5 Miyazaki MBS 12 represents the pinnacle of this tradition, combining the highest grade of Japanese beef with exceptional marbling.

The Historical Roots of Wagyu Cattle

Wagyu cattle, a cornerstone of Japanese gastronomy, boast a lineage that is as rich as their famed marbling. The story of Wagyu begins in ancient Japan, where these cattle were originally used as draft animals in agriculture, prized for their physical endurance. This endurance was a product of their intramuscular fat stores, which later became the celebrated marbling characteristic of Wagyu beef.

Selective breeding of Wagyu cattle started centuries ago, but it was not until the late 19th century that this process intensified. The Meiji Restoration era marked a significant shift, as Japan began to embrace Western agricultural techniques. 

However, the true essence of Wagyu breeding remained uniquely Japanese. Breeding strategies were carefully developed to enhance qualities like marbling and tenderness, with a focus on four main breeds: the Black, Brown, Shorthorn, and Polled.

The Wagyu we know today is the result of meticulous genetic selection, a process that has been honed over generations. This selective breeding has been carried out with such precision that modern Wagyu cattle have a genetic predisposition for intense marbling, a feature that is not found to this extent in any other cattle breed in the world.

Traditional Farming Techniques in Japan

Wagyu cattle are raised not just with meticulous care but with a reverence that borders on the sacred. Japanese farmers have honed their farming techniques over centuries, creating a symbiotic relationship with their environment and their cattle. 

These practices are a blend of age-old traditions and modern precision agriculture, each contributing to the distinctive quality of Wagyu beef.

The Art of Raising Wagyu

A cornerstone of these techniques is the specialized feeding regime. Wagyu cattle are fed a carefully balanced diet, rich in grains and formulated to ensure optimal growth and health. 

The feed is often a mix of rice straw, whole crop silage, and various grains, ensuring the cattle gain weight steadily and maintain a healthy digestive system. This diet contributes directly to the marbling for which Wagyu is famed.

Beyond nutrition, Wagyu cattle are treated with utmost care and respect. Stress-free environments are maintained, as stress can negatively affect meat quality. Farmers often employ unique practices such as gentle handling, providing comfortable bedding, and even playing soothing music.

Some farms have even been known to massage their cattle, a practice that, while not widespread, symbolizes the extraordinary care given to these animals.

Impact on Beef Quality, Crafting the Wagyu Marbling

The traditional farming techniques have a profound impact on the quality of Wagyu beef. The carefully crafted diet leads to a gradual buildup of intramuscular fat, or marbling, which is the hallmark of Wagyu beef.

This marbling is not just fat; it's a rich, flavorful component that melts at lower temperatures, giving Wagyu its signature buttery texture and depth of flavor.

The texture of Wagyu beef is another aspect where the impact of these farming techniques is evident. The meat is tender and smooth, a direct result of the stress-free environment and meticulous care during the rearing process. 

The flavor profile of Wagyu is complex and rich, often described as umami, which is enhanced by the cattle's specialized diet.

These traditional Japanese farming techniques, deeply rooted in respect for nature and the animal, contribute significantly to the uniqueness and luxury status of Wagyu beef. They are not just methods of rearing cattle; they are a testament to Japan's dedication to excellence in gastronomy.

Read more: Meatguy Steakhouse and Bayashi: Crafting a 45-Day Cheese-Aged Fullblood Wagyu Ribeye

Introduction to Wagyu A5 Miyazaki MBS 12

The A5 Miyazaki MBS 12 represents the zenith of Wagyu beef, a grade that is revered by chefs around the globe. This distinction is not just a label; it's a promise of unparalleled quality. The "A5" denotes the highest grade possible in the Japanese beef grading system, indicating exceptional standards of meat quality, marbling, color, and texture.

Defining A5 Miyazaki MBS 12

The "MBS 12" refers to the marbling score, the highest on a scale of 1 to 12, showcasing the dense, fine webs of intramuscular fat that melt into the meat, imparting a rich, velvety texture and intense flavor.

The marbling in A5 Miyazaki MBS 12 is not merely fat but a symphony of flavor. It is evenly distributed throughout the meat, ensuring each bite is infused with a creamy richness. The meat's texture is tender, almost melting at the touch of a fork, and the fat color is a pristine white, indicative of the high-quality feed and care the cattle receive.

Grading Process: The Rigors of Wagyu Assessment

The grading of Wagyu beef in Japan is an exacting and meticulous process, overseen by certified professionals. It assesses several criteria: yield grade (amount of meat obtained from the carcass), marbling, meat color and brightness, firmness and texture of the meat, and the quality of the fat. For a Wagyu beef to be classified as A5, it must score top marks in all these categories.

This grading process is a testament to Japan's commitment to quality and excellence. It ensures that any piece of meat labeled as A5 Miyazaki MBS 12 meets the most stringent standards, offering an unmatched culinary experience.

Read more: Wagyu A5: The Epitome of Premium Beef, Now Available at Meatguy Steakhouse

Overview of Miyazaki Prefecture: A Cradle of Wagyu Perfection

Miyazaki Prefecture, nestled on the island of Kyushu, Japan, offers an idyllic environment for raising Wagyu cattle. 

Geographic and Environmental Factors

The region is graced with a temperate climate, lush grasslands, and clean, fresh water, creating a natural setting that is as serene as it is nourishing for the cattle. 

These geographic and environmental conditions play a pivotal role in the quality of the Wagyu beef produced, contributing to the unique flavor profile and marbling characteristics of Miyazaki Wagyu.

Farming Community Guardians of Tradition and Quality

The local farming community in Miyazaki Prefecture is the backbone of its Wagyu beef production. These farmers are not just caretakers of cattle; they are custodians of a tradition that dates back centuries. 

Their dedication to maintaining high standards of Wagyu production is evident in every aspect of their work, from the selection of feed to the implementation of stress-free living conditions for the cattle.

The farmers' deep understanding of the land and their cattle results in a product that is not only of high quality but also imbued with the essence of Miyazaki. This harmonious relationship between the land, the people, and the cattle is what makes Miyazaki Prefecture a renowned hub for premium Wagyu beef, particularly the celebrated A5 Miyazaki MBS 12.

The A5 Miyazaki MBS 12 is not just a grade of beef; it is a culinary masterpiece, a symbol of the harmony between nature and human craftsmanship. Its journey from the lush fields of Miyazaki Prefecture to the plates of discerning diners worldwide is a story of passion, tradition, and unyielding pursuit of quality.

For those eager to savor the exquisite taste of Miyazaki Wagyu, there is no place like Meatguy Steakhouse. At Meatguy, we proudly present this unparalleled delicacy, ensuring that each serving captures the authentic flavor and supreme quality of Miyazaki Wagyu. We invite you to join us and immerse yourself in a dining experience that transcends the ordinary, where every bite tells the story of its remarkable journey.

Reserve Your Miyazaki Wagyu Experience at Meatguy Steakhouse


MIYAZAKIGYU (Accessed on January 2024)

WHAT IS MIYAZAKI WAGYU A5? (Accessed on January 2024)

Miyazakigyu (Accessed on January 2024)

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